Like many people I went for years not knowing what the different types of food where and which foods belonged in which group or category. I've written the following article to inform you of which belong where. I hope the following article helps to inform you.
Carbohydrates- Carbohydrates give you energy but can also make you feel blotted if you eat too much. They are-
• Potatoes
• Rice
• Cereals
• Pasta
• Bread
Protein- Protein helps to repair your body and enable it to grow. They are-
• Meat
• Poultry
• Fish
• Dairy
• Eggs
• Beans
• Nuts
Fats- Fats also give you energy and help in building your body and strength. Many people shy away from the word 'fats' just remember that 'fats' are good in moderation. They are-
• Dairy Products
• Red Meats
• Poultry
• Fish
Fiber- Fiber helps you to digest food easily and helps to harden your stools. They are-
• Cereal
• Fruit
• Bread
• Vegetables
Mineral- Minerals are many things; Iron is good for your blood, calcium is good for your bones and magnesium is good for the nerves. Although minerals are in many foods they are mainly in vegetables and fruit.
Vitamins- Vitamins will keep your body healthy and are good for giving you a healthy glow with your skin, strengthen your teeth and bones and make you happy and healthy. They are mostly found in the following-
• Dairy products
• Vegetables
• Fruit
Don't forget that your local GP or nurse can advise you on which food groups you need to eat from dependent on your bodies needs.
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A Little Death In Dixie
I liked your post...Magnesium is the reason why I take supplements because of its health benefits